Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Motivation Of Employees Samples for Students †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Motivation Of Employees. Answer: Introduction: Motivational theories Employees forever need motivation. Whether it is initially or at later stage motivation always helps the firm to retain staffs for longer time. Staffs require motivation when it is about working for any firm. Behavior practitioners generally use motivational theories for benefiting the staffs of any organization (Bentley, 2013). Employees who are unsatisfied tend to carry lower level of job satisfaction. Few common motivators that are utilized to affect the job satisfaction within a very positive manner in reality are achievement and recognition, responsibility, advancement and work itself as well as growth. The theories for motivation are Maslows need hierarchy, Alderfers ERG theory and McClellands acquired needs theory and also Herzbergs two-factor theory. Maslows need hierarchy ranges the needs of staffs from highest till the lowest. The theory properly focuses on convinced needs first as well as then focuses on some other needs like safety and security but in some particular orde r. ERG theory by Alderfers uses Maslows five needs that are namely physiological, safety, esteem, self-actualization as well as social and also puts them in three needs which can comprise of more than single need into sole category (Carter, 1979). ERG needs actually are existence, growth and lastly is the relatedness. McClellands theory focuses upon needs of staffs for achievement, power and also affiliation that could be acquired via experience as well as training. Herzbergs dual factor theory also is last theory that actually links the job satisfaction with the motivating factors. Needs theories even are beneficial to needs of staffs (DiPlacido, 1976). A psychological behavioral process which motivates any individual to react in a specific way is actually referred as the process theories for motivation. In core, these theories also examine the way in which an entitys needs would affect his actual behavior for achievement of a goal regarding those needs. Such theories are generally used in any workplace context as well as there are many other theories that also examine the way in which staffs within any firm can get motivated (Fargus, 2000). The behavioral loom to place of work motivation is also known as the organizational behavioral modification. Such loom applies tenets of the behaviorism developed by scholar B.F. Skinner to properly promote staff behaviors which an employer thinks beneficial as well as discourage those which are not. Any stimulus which increases likelihood of the behavior is a reinforcing element. An effective use of the positive reinforcement will also be recurrent praise while some employee is actually learning a novel task (Gawel, 1997). Any staffs behavior could also be shaped at the time of learning process only if approximations of ideal behavior get praised otherwise rewarded. Frequency of the reinforcement is also a vital consideration. While common praise during learning procedure can be also beneficial, it could be difficult to sustain indefinitely. There Are Some Basic Characteristics And Features Of A Positive Workplace And Some Of Them Are Mentioned Below: Transparent as well as open communication In reality, a transparent as well as open type of communication actually addresses the staffs need to sense that the firm values their ideas and thinking. It is also what makes staffs sense that they actually belong to the firm and are a part and parcel of the organization. Work of these staffs then becomes very meaningful as the staffs know that their performance will be valued and also praised (Gruneberg, 1979). Work-Life Balance A positive workplace always has a good balance between work life and personal life of staffs. There exists some type of balance amid the work and the personal life of the employees. In common, having this sense of the balance improves the job satisfaction amongst the employees because then staffs start feeling that theyre actually not overlooking any other area of lives like family, and enjoyment and relaxation etc (Hackman, Oldham, Janson Purdy, 1975). Training plus development-focused Good work ecology also emphasizes on training as well as development of staffs and focuses as well as cares about the employees growth and development. This makes staffs feel belongingness towards the firm. Also good appraisal and timely evaluations are done and staffs are trained on routine basis. Recognition for the hard work Proper workplace recognizes the hard work and good results given by its staffs and even timely rewards them for their performances as well. Such facts encourage behaviors in the people working in the firm. This is even known as the positive reinforcement beneath operant conditioning in area of psychology. A mere reward here does not is monetary in the nature; at times even a very simple and verbal recognition by supervisor is one necessary to spur staffs motivation. Strong and tough team Spirit Being a social animal, people naturally seek proper support from their peers as well as seek to properly belong to any group. Good workplace having all positive ecology all around carries good teams and effective and tough team spirit in its ecology so that people feel totally supportive and dependent on each other while working in a team. In tough times, teams in such workplaces come together and deal with things and problems that arrive (Harris, Hackman Oldham, 1981). Positive Values Positive ecology in workplace also comprises of a positive values and good ethics as well as morale in the staff members. A supportive and ethical culture in the firm supports such ecology to be maintained. Such firms mission statement also reveals its basic philosophy toward the employees as well as shareholders. Employment website of such companies also advises that the mission statement could define behaviors which a firm finds exemplary at each level of themanagement plus staff. How Hr Designs Jobs To Motivate Employees An employer might incorrectly suppose that money only is the motivator for its staffs. For several people, the job design actually is equally important and plays the same role what fair remuneration plays in their motivation and tends to make them more effective and efficient (Kapoor, 2005). Job design actually has a vast influence upon staff motivation, job satisfaction as well as commitment towards their firm, and all of these have a very significant impact upon efficiency of the business. Jobs also are generally designed in that way which encourages the specialization. Work is even divided into some specific tasks, along with employee allotted to every task becoming extra skilled, accurate as well as efficient at carrying out and performing it. Moreover, a generally overlooked issue with work specialization is that it normally has negative effect on staff motivation. A staff might also become extra efficient as well as skilled at concluding a repetitive work. They sense that as lo ng as they finish their job adequately, there is actually no need for them to be worried with some other facet of business. A probable solution to such issue involves providing staffs with extra variety within the work. One method and technique to perform such plan is introducing the task of job rotation, where staffs move amid different jobs occasionally. Not merely this reduces repetitiveness of their task, but it even helps to develop a good team with very wider variety of skills (Korzynski, 2013). Another method to enhance employee motivation also is via job enlargement. Through this staffs are gradually provided more challenging and risky works and ones with greater responsibility and danger. Whilst one might think this could have opposite effect, several staffs enjoy learning and doing new things with each passing day as this helps them learn novel things and attain good and new knowledge every time. Job enrichment could be another tool and technique for motivation of staffs by the HR while designing jobs. It also involves providing staffs with extra control over work that they do. This develops a feeling of responsibility in them. By providing the staffs with extra authority as well as responsibility, an HR might encourage them for seeking out better as well as extra efficient ways for accomplishment of their task, which would also lead to very potential increase within productivity. Job enrichment enhances the capability of staffs and makes them extra effective and efficient in their tasks (Mok Yeung, 2005). Synthesis Of Hackman And Oldhams The idea and concept of the job characteristics replica focuses upon designing any job in a way that it properly motivates any person. Based upon job diagnostic and survey, Hackman Oldham developed such loom. Job characteristics also are objective and aim characteristics of the jobs, particularly extent to which jobs get designed in order to enhance internal motivation of work and job satisfaction of the job incumbents. Five core and basic job features, that are the task significance, autonomy, task variety and task identity as well as feedback, thought to be positively correlated with the job satisfaction as well as performance (Hackman Oldham, 1976). Skill variety is also ostensible variety as well as intricacy of the skills plus talents needed by any job to get performed. There are many facts that are related with this theory and some of them are as follows: Work Outcomes- a good mix of basic characteristics with all the psychological states actually influences the work outcomes like Job satisfaction and absenteeism as well as work motivation. This theory influences work outcomes as it deals with enhancement of skill sets of staffs, emphasizes on their growth plus development and also puts light on training of the staffs and their career development as well. Intrinsic work motivation- Job characteristic replica expects that if afore said job elements are present within a job, job incumbent would be extra likely to carry high interior work motivation, and high quality as well as performance, great satisfaction along with work as well as low absenteeism plus less turnover (Oldham Hackman, 1981). High quality performance of work is possible with this theory as the theory deals with elements that result in undertakings like encouragement without offering any monetary otherwise tangible incentive can also be done via this theory as it deals with many intangible elements of motivation like growth and development, career enhancement etc. Relation Amid Maslows Components Plus Job Characteristics Maslows hierarchy of need actually is a very sequential pact of needs, while, Hackman Oldhams theory does not carry any hierarchical arrangement. But both are literally interrelated. Maslows theory that talks about the needs and wants of staffs that if fulfilled can actually motivate them, are practically fulfilled and all the sets of tasks that can be done to motivate them and fulfill their needs in Maslows hierarchy are underlined in the Hackman Oldham theory. Maslow thought that any type of unsatisfied need, irrespective of the level of the hierarchy, could be a possible motivation. And same was the concept of job characteristic theory as well. Richard Hackman Greg Oldham in the year 1975 built and developed the Job Characteristic replica on basis of Herzbergs dual-Factor Theory, demonstrating how any proper job design could lead towards internal motivation of staffs and contribute towards better and extraordinary job performance. This theory also postulates that the five job characteristics actually lead towards three forms of psychological states that affect motivation as well as satisfaction of staffs (Thomas, 2009). Skill diversity is extent otherwise range of all the skills, abilities as well as talents of staffs. The extra they are capable to utilize these skills in job, the extra is their level towards job satisfaction. Thus, jobs always must be designed in proper way that would ensure utilization of very wide variety of the skills of people. An optimistic significance of any job gives the psychological satisfaction and happiness to. Autonomy is extent of the freedom supplied for any job. The extent of autonomy also depends on extent of the independence supplied to the staffs in taking decisions about the job scheduling, formulating of the procedures, and making of decision without any interference from others (Walsh, 1968). Skill variety and task identity as well as task significance also provide experienced and proper meaningfulness. Autonomy supplies experienced responsibility, while; feedback actually ensures the experienced knowledge of the results. In a nutshell, it is, it was and will forever remain a fact that motivation is a vital and foremost part of strategic human resource management. It is thus vital to identify organizational practices which can be actually used to promote cognitive, emotional as well as behavioral qualities which would positively affect employees as well as enhance their level of motivation (Whiteley, 2002). References Bentley, P. (2013). Job satisfaction around the academic world. Dordrecht: Springer. Carter, L. (1979). Motivation and preaching. DiPlacido, P. (1976). Employee motivation. Columbus: Ohio Distributive Education Materials Lab. Fargus, P. (2000). Measuring and improving employee motivation. London: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Gawel, J. (1997). Herzberg's theory of motivation and Maslow's hierarchy of needs. [Washington, DC]: [ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation]. Gruneberg, M. (1979). Understanding job satisfaction. New York: Wiley. Hackman, J., Oldham, G. (1976). Motivation through the design of work: test of a theory. Organizational Behavior And Human Performance, 16(2), 250-279. doi:10.1016/0030-5073(76)90016-7 Hackman, J., Oldham, G., Janson, R., Purdy, K. (1975). A New Strategy for Job Enrichment. CaliforniaManagement Review, 17(4), 57-71. doi:10.2307/41164610 Harris, R., Hackman, J., Oldham, G. (1981). Work Redesign. Industrial And Labor Relations Review, 34(4), 629. doi:10.2307/2522500 Kapoor, P. (2005). Book Review: Dealing With The Employee From Hell (A Guide To Coaching and Motivation). Asia-Pacific Journal OfManagement Research And Innovation, 1(2), 161-162. doi:10.1177/097324700500100218 Korzynski, P. (2013). Employee motivation in new working environment. International Journal Of Academic Research, 5(5), 184-188. doi:10.7813/2075-4124.2013/5-5/b.28 Mok, V., Yeung, G. (2005). Employee motivation, external orientation and the technical efficiency of foreign-financed firms in China: a stochastic frontier analysis. Manage. Decis. Econ., 26(3), 175-190. doi:10.1002/mde.1203 Oldham, G., Hackman, J. (1981). Relationships Between Organizational Structure and Employee Reactions: Comparing Alternative Frameworks. Administrative Science Quarterly, 26(1), 66. doi:10.2307/2392600 Thomas, K. (2009). Intrinsic motivation at work. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Walsh, T. (1968). Maslow's theory of motivation: a method for testing the constructs. Whiteley, P. (2002). Motivation. 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